Beginner Courses
Archery Sessions
Archery is a sport for all seasons and for all people whatever their age, gender or level of physical ability.
It is also a very versatile sport since it can be as simple or as involved as the archer wishes.
Sunset Coast Archers offer Come and Try sessions as either single sessions or Beginner courses as a block of 4 consecutive weeks.
Single sessions are ideal for people who wish to experience archer or to test their interest.
Beginner Courses are ideal for people who are quite interested and would like to build a reasonable skill in archery.
Come and Try sessions and Beginner courses are:
For everyone. Minimum age is 11.
Run by accredited instructors.
Focused on recurve bow shooting but you will be shown other bow types that you may adopt at a later stage. All equipment is provided during the session(s).
Cost is $30 for a single session or $100 for a Beginner course. Family discounts are available on inquiry.
All equipment is provided by the club and you will learn to shoot with a recurve bow. If you have your own recurve bow you may be able to use that depending on the draw weight (how hard it is to pull back the string) and the length of your arrows.