Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Sunset Coast Archers 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will now be held on Sunday 29th November 2019 commencing approximately 11am, after the regular morning shoot. The shoot will be 72 arrows to allow for the meeting.
The agenda will include but not limited to:
Minutes 2019 AGM
Actions Items from previous AGM
Treasurers Report
Election of club officials
New business
The executive committee positions up for re-election are:
Non executive positions
Equipment officer
4 x non-executive roles
This is your Club and you are encouraged to attend and get involved by:
Nominating yourself for an executive position.
Casting your vote, if there is more than one nominee for an executive position.
Discussing the vision of the Club, which includes how to pursue active participation through:
Proposed Club Championship Shoots,
Volunteering as a Beginners Course Instructor, which includes participating in an Instructors Course,
Any other initiatives to encourage participation and have fun.
All current financial members are invited to attend we look forward to your attendance and proactive participation.
Please contact the Secretary via the club email address by Friday 13th November if you wish to be nominated for any of the positions above.